Over Everything you always wanted to know about recycling . . . but were afraid to ask

Everything you always wanted to know about recycling . . . but were afraid to ask

Avondlezing door prof.dr. Francesco Picchioni georganiseerd door de Groningse Chemische Kring.

Georganiseerd als Teams-meeting.

Everything you always wanted to know about recycling . . . but were afraid to ask

Recycling of plastics and polymers in general is unavoidable in our society. In this lecture we will start by looking at design for recycling, i.e. at the molecular design of macromolecular products by embedding chemical groups allowing re-workability of the final product by use of external stimuli. In particular we will focus on the use of the Diels-Alder reaction in covalently reversible networks for the preparation of thermosets and rubber products. The use of temperature and electricity as external stimuli allows self-healing and cradle-to-cradle material recycling in addition to a set of novel properties. In the second part of the lecture we will then shift to recycling of current materials by highlighting the major technological challenges we face towards the transition to a true circular economy. This will be done by showcasing our recent results obtained in rubber recycling (particularly car tires and bikes inner tubes) as well as our current research activities in polyolefin recycling.

  • De spreker wil een paar korte interactieve “spelletjes” spelen en verzoekt u daarom om pen en papier gereed te houden
  • Ook wil de spreker proberen om een online peiling uit te voeren. Hij wil dan een aantal vragen aan u voorleggen waar u met een multiple choise antwoord een mening over kunt geven. Het resultaat van de peiling zal in de presentatie gebruikt worden.

Verkorte loopbaanbeschrijving van Prof. Dr. Francesco Picchioni 

GCK-Francesco PicchioniDegrees

  • 1996 MS degree in organic chemistry, obtained “cum laude” at University Pisa, Italy
  • 1996 diploma of “Chemistry class” obtained “cum lauda” at Schola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy
  • 2000 PhD in Polymer Chemistry at Department of Chemistry, University Pisa, Italy

Academic appointment

  • 2000-2002 Post Doc positionat the Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 2003-2008 Assistant Professor at University Groningen, Netherlands, Chemical Engineering Department (Product Technology)
  • 2008-2017 Associate Professor at University Groningen, Netherlands, Chemical Engineering Department (Product Technology)
  • 2013-present Professor at University Groningen, Netherlands, Chemical Engineering Department (Product Technology)

Awards and distinctions

  • Winner (5 times) of Teacher of the Year Award

Thesis supervised at University Groningen

  • 120+ Master in Chemical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management
  • 60+ Bachelor in Industrial Engineering and Management
  • 30+ Bachelor in Chemical Engineering
  • 15 PhD thesis as (first) supervisor completed and 10 currently ongoing

Projects (selection of the past 5 years)

  • Water soluble polymers and polymeric surftcatnats for enhanced oil recovery (2 PhDs, 1 Post Doc)
  • Thermally reversible network for 3D printing (1 Post Doc, 1 PhD)
  • Thermally crosslinking of rubbers (1 Post Doc, 1 PhD)
  • Polymeric foams from biopolymers (1 Post Doc)

Introducé(e)s zijn van harte welkom.

Graag vooraf bericht als u verwacht te komen.
Stuur daartoe een mail naar gck@kncv.nl of kommer.brunt@planet.nl.


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