Avondlezing door ing. Hans van 't Noordende georganiseerd door de Groningse Chemische Kring.
Ammoniak als energiedrager
As the urgency for CO2 reduction grows and geographical demand for energy sources shifts, clean ammonia is increasingly recognized as a promising energy and hydrogen carrier. Ammonia will be transported from regions with availability of renewables and blue hydrogen at low costs to Western Europe. Consequently, investment in ammonia terminals are growing and ammonia crackers to hydrogen are being built. In the meantime, though, a lot of questions on demand development, utilization and uncertainties regarding compliance and safety / toxicity remain. In the presentation the Clean Ammoia Innovation Platform, the main aspects of a Roadmap Free download: Clean Ammonia Roadmap, and preliminary results of an ongoing safety projects on ammonia p[pipeline transport will be shared.
Iets over Hans van ‘t Noordende
Master Environmental Technology Wageningen University
- Working in various positions at engineering companies (Suez, Fluor, Tebodin) and assignment to organisations like Deltalinqs.
- Currently working at ISPT as principal expert H2 and NH3
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